Ray is currently accepting art commissions! Reach out today to begin your artistic journey and own a piece of art that will be cherished for generations.
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August 5th, 2013
I have done three versions of Don Quixote over the years. I started painting this piece without the subject matter in mind. My first strokes were the white spot towards the center. Later, the different earthy and warm colors around it. At this moment, the vibrant red/orange mixture triggered a fight scene in my mind and inspired this version of Don Quixote's-character, a simple man fighting the wind. The green space above the mid-center were meant to be a base color for some faraway greenery above the horizon line (which I liked and didn't want to remove)...... I paused for a while and decided to introduce another twist to the idea of Don Quixote fighting the wind. I turned the green into a dragon. I completed the piece by adding a few layers of landscape, mountain hills, a couple of windmills in the distance and the main character in the center riding a donkey with a "foxy head". This is exactly how this piece was created. I truly enjoyed painting it that evening. By the time I was done with it my swinging mood had calmed down completely and was ready to get to bed.
August 4th, 2013
Dear Visitors,
Thank you for visiting my site. This self-introduction has been somewhat difficult for me... I've always struggled to find the right words to truly express how I feel about art, and more importantly, why I do art in the first place?! I haven't fully understood my passion yet, and most likely never will. My first symbolic/metaphysical piece of art, which I am lucky to still have, dates back to 1965 during my high school years. It is probably the only existing physical evidence that symbolic and semi-abstract art influenced me from a very early stage. The piece continues to represent to this day the type of art that I would most like to be associated with. For me, art serves as meditation for the soul; it helps us maintain a clear mind and stay focused on the things we must do to sustain life. It is a motivational force as great as gravity that helps me get up in the morning to face the daily tenebrous of our world, with a dream full of joy and excitement. The dream is one that I continue to create in my mind daily and that I try very hard to apply to my two-dimensional canvas or piece of plexiglass. When I paint, I often develop wings and fly to faraway places still unreachable even by today's modern technology. Although that may sound like a mad man's statement, I think my eclectic art speaks to that effect and reflects this quality. For me, not being an academically-taught artist has given me the freedom that I otherwise would not have had to fly in all directions and choose my space, subject matter, and artistic destiny. In my world, art is the only horizon. So, welcome to my world; I hope you find it joyful and inspiring. One final request, if you don't already paint, please give it a try; that's all it takes to become the creator of your own world...